Ellada Custom Homes


Top 5 Things to Consider Before Buying a Home

The decision to buy a home can be made quickly, however, there are things to consider before buying one. With time, things such as new technology, real estate market, inflation and loans change and upgrade. It is important as a first-time buyer to research these factors and as an investor — to acquaint yourself with the changes. It is also important to know, what to expect when buying a house. The following factors play an important role in buying a home and can help you to make a well-informed decision on your purchase.


Location is one of the most important factors to consider when buying a home. One needs to pay attention to the area that the property is situated in: Is there a creche or a good school in the area if one wants to start a family? Is there a supermarket or a shopping mall close by? Is it close to work?

Home Size

The size of the house you decide to purchase will impact the home’s use, potential and your privacy. If the home is large, it may also impact the energy costs as larger spaces will require more heating or cooling during the year. If the home is small, it may not meet your needs such as a home office. Do you want the home to be situated near busy roads?

Bedrooms and Bathrooms

The ideal number of bedrooms and bathrooms in a family home will vary depending on their needs and wants. If one has plans to expand the family in the future, more bedrooms in the house will be preferable. Extra bedrooms can also be used if one intends to host family and friends, extra storage space of an office. Bathrooms should also be given some thought regarding the size, what installations you would prefer and how big is the demand in the household to have multiple bathrooms.

Age of the House

The home you choose to purchase may have the charm you were looking for, but if you’re not looking to renovate, the home may need some repairs and improvements done to match your personality and needs. This is important as renovation will be an additional cost after purchasing the home.


More often than not, an older home will need to be maintained, as it has been built on outdated construction regulations and will not serve you fully. A new home will also need maintenance, however, not nearly as much as the newer technologies and construction techniques will serve for longer periods of time.

There are many things to take into consideration when buying a home that may not be necessarily needed when building your custom home. Each factor is important to consider before purchasing real estate to avoid unexpected expenses and ensure a comfortable day-to-day living.